Ōpāwa School news

One of our great teachers, Robyn Drummond, won an ASG National Excellence in Teaching Award (NEITA) in November, 2017. She was one of five Christchurch teachers to win an award.
Click here to read Robyn's thoughts about winning, the story is on page 6!
One of our great teachers, Robyn Drummond, won an ASG National Excellence in Teaching Award (NEITA) in November, 2017. She was one of five Christchurch teachers to win an award.
Click here to read Robyn's thoughts about winning, the story is on page 6!
Here at Ōpāwa School, we are lucky enough to be one of five schools involved in a programme which has a key focus on calming the school environment. This programme is run by University of Canterbury Associate Professor Kathleen Liberty, and so far, it has been a success. Click here to find out all about the programme, and here to find out about the benefits that it has brought to our school.
Here at Ōpāwa School, we are lucky enough to be one of five schools involved in a programme which has a key focus on calming the school environment. This programme is run by University of Canterbury Associate Professor Kathleen Liberty, and so far, it has been a success. Click here to find out all about the programme, and here to find out about the benefits that it has brought to our school.

Past pupil and Student Council leader Te Hinenga Te Hemi, visited Waitangi where she was introduced to Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand.
In 2017 Te Hinenga won a national speech competition and was presented with a taonga and a trophy. She also received a trip for herself and her family to visit the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Te Hinenga's highlights were not only meeting the Prime Minister but also dining with Jacinda and Clark at the top table, being part of the dawn ceremony, watching the waka come in, being treated to breakfast (cooked by Jacinda and members of parliament) as well as being invited to parliament.
Past pupil and Student Council leader Te Hinenga Te Hemi, visited Waitangi where she was introduced to Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand.
In 2017 Te Hinenga won a national speech competition and was presented with a taonga and a trophy. She also received a trip for herself and her family to visit the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Te Hinenga's highlights were not only meeting the Prime Minister but also dining with Jacinda and Clark at the top table, being part of the dawn ceremony, watching the waka come in, being treated to breakfast (cooked by Jacinda and members of parliament) as well as being invited to parliament.