Complaints policy
The purpose of our complaints policy is to provide clear guidelines for the school community in raising and resolving concerns and complaints.
We have procedures in place that we follow to ensure that complaints are handled appropriately. Our procedures enable us to:
See below for further information about how to access the School Docs website. This website contains all of our schools policies and more in-depth information about how to make a complaint.
We have procedures in place that we follow to ensure that complaints are handled appropriately. Our procedures enable us to:
- maintain the best learning environment for our students
- resolve matters of concern early, if possible
- respond to feedback and concerns constructively
- deal with complaints fairly, effectively, and promptly
- take into account individual circumstances
- maintain confidentiality
- preserve school/community relationships and communication
- monitor and record complaints and concerns about student safety.
See below for further information about how to access the School Docs website. This website contains all of our schools policies and more in-depth information about how to make a complaint.
Making a formal Complaint
If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.
In the interests of fairness, any formal complaint or serious allegation must be made in writing and resolved in a timely fashion. All parties should respect confidentiality.
Follow this process:
Responsibility: Complainant
1. Put your concerns in writing, either as a signed letter or an email. Give as many details as possible, including details of efforts that have been made to resolve the issue. Include names and contact phone numbers.
Send the letter marked Confidential to the school principal or, if the complaint is about the principal, to the chairperson of the board of trustees. The contact details are available from the school office.
Responsibility: Principal (if complaint is about a staff member)
Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the staff member concerned.
Inform the chairperson of the board of trustees.
Responsibility: Board chair (if complaint is about the principal)
Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the principal.
When a formal complaint is received, the school may choose to investigate it if it is deemed serious enough to warrant it after considering the initial response from the person the complaint is about. Not all complaints require an investigation, but all written complaints should be disclosed to the staff concerned at the earliest opportunity and followed up with the complainant.
Relevant collective employment agreement provisions for dealing with complaints and discipline must be observed including allowing representation of staff at any meeting to discuss a written complaint.
In the interests of fairness, any formal complaint or serious allegation must be made in writing and resolved in a timely fashion. All parties should respect confidentiality.
Follow this process:
Responsibility: Complainant
1. Put your concerns in writing, either as a signed letter or an email. Give as many details as possible, including details of efforts that have been made to resolve the issue. Include names and contact phone numbers.
Send the letter marked Confidential to the school principal or, if the complaint is about the principal, to the chairperson of the board of trustees. The contact details are available from the school office.
Responsibility: Principal (if complaint is about a staff member)
Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the staff member concerned.
Inform the chairperson of the board of trustees.
Responsibility: Board chair (if complaint is about the principal)
Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the principal.
When a formal complaint is received, the school may choose to investigate it if it is deemed serious enough to warrant it after considering the initial response from the person the complaint is about. Not all complaints require an investigation, but all written complaints should be disclosed to the staff concerned at the earliest opportunity and followed up with the complainant.
Relevant collective employment agreement provisions for dealing with complaints and discipline must be observed including allowing representation of staff at any meeting to discuss a written complaint.
How to access the school docs website:
1. Click on the link here, or alternatively click on 'helpful links' in the learning tab.
2. Click on School Docs. This is the third icon on the right.
3. Login using the username and password provided on the helpful links page, beneath the School Docs icon.
4. Once logged in, you will see a feature on the left called "your documents". Search "uniform policy", "complaints", "formal complaints" or whatever you are after and follow the links.
If you have any further questions or would like to provide any feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.
1. Click on the link here, or alternatively click on 'helpful links' in the learning tab.
2. Click on School Docs. This is the third icon on the right.
3. Login using the username and password provided on the helpful links page, beneath the School Docs icon.
4. Once logged in, you will see a feature on the left called "your documents". Search "uniform policy", "complaints", "formal complaints" or whatever you are after and follow the links.
If you have any further questions or would like to provide any feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.