We have developed an inquiry learning model unique to Te Kura o Ōpāwaho - Opawa School, 'VOYAGE'. Our model is based on Kath Murdoch's Inquiry Learning model. Our inquiry learning model focuses on teaching children the skills they need to undergo a successful inquiry project, engaging them in learning opportunities which encourage them to think further.
The stages in our inquiry process are:
View - What do I/we already know about this?
Obtain - Learning New Things: Experiences, Skills and Knowledge
Your Understanding - This is what I know now! These are the new things I can do.
Action - What interests me now? What are my questions? Where can I find this information? Who can help me?
Get it out there - How can I spread the word? How can I make a difference in my: * School, Community, World?
Evaluate - Have I answered my questions? Have I spread the word? How well have I used my new skills? What is my next learning step?