Our latest ERO report can be found below.
The report outlines our strengths
Click here for the Board Assurance document
The report outlines our strengths
- Learners have a strong sense of belonging and are well supported through inclusive practices that effectively address wellbeing needs.
- Teachers use evidence-based reading, writing and mathematics teaching strategies to intentionally and increasingly meet the needs of all learners.
- Teachers engage learners with purposeful and relevant learning through an inclusive curriculum that increasingly reflects the local context.
- Outcomes are increasingly improving for learners and key conditions are increasingly strengthened to enable improvement for learner outcomes
- Leaders and teachers plan and implement a range of effective strategies which specifically reduce barriers, and support access to learning, for all learners.
- Leaders work collaboratively with teachers and the community to strengthen quality teaching and equity and excellence in learner outcomes.
- Leaders and teachers involve and value input from whānau, mana whenua and the broader community in decision making; this is reflected in the school’s vision, goals and improvement priorities.
- The board works collaboratively with leaders, teachers and the community to effectively plan for the school’s strategic direction, improvement priorities and resourcing.
- Sustain partnerships between school and home to improve regular attendance, learner engagement, and learning outcomes
- Continue to provide opportunities for all learners to further develop key competencies and a growth mindset through managing risk, accepting new challenges, building resilience and being solution focused
- Teachers continue to strengthen the use of assessment information to identify learner needs, inform planning and accelerate the progress and achievement for all learners.
Click here for the Board Assurance document