Te Kura o Ōpāwaho - Opawa School Student’s Personal Cell Phone & Smartwatch/Device Procedures
Junior ākonga/students:
● Years 0 - 4 ākonga/students do not bring a cell phone or smartwatch/device to school for any reason (exception: documented health reasons).
YEARS 5-8 ākonga/students:
● Before/After school - No phone or smartwatch/device can be used on the school grounds between 8.30 am & 3.30 pm.*
● All phones or smart devices are handed to the teacher and placed in the class phone/device bag as soon as the ākonga/student arrives at school. Bags
will be secured in a lockable cupboard.
● No cell phones, smartwatches, or devices are to be used in the playground or inside at any time by any ākonga/students (exception: documented health
reasons) between the hours of 8.30 am and 3.30 pm.
● All phones and smart devices are to be turned off before being handed in (exception: documented health reasons).
● Phones/smart devices are collected at the end of the day by the ākonga/students who own them. Phones, smartwatches/devices cannot be used on the
school grounds between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm (exception: documented health reasons).
● Phones, smartwatches/devices used in the playground will be confiscated for the day and collected by the ākonga/student at the end of the day, from their
class teacher / or the teacher who has confiscated the phone (it is important to let the classroom teacher know if this has been done).
● Repeat offences of phones/smart devices not handed in/used in the playground will result in phones being kept in the office and a parent/caregiver will be
requested to come and pick up the phone/smart device. This allows for a revisit with families about our phone procedures.
● No texting/calls unless permission is given. The teacher must be present.
● No videos or photos can be taken using ākonga/student personal devices during school hours (8.30 am - 3.30 pm).
● Permission to take photos/videos at offsite school events e.g. camp, beach days etc, will be determined by the school on a case-by-case basis
● Technicraft (Year 7/8) - Teachers take student phones/smart devices in the designated bag. They will be handed back at 3 pm and then the above rules
● Emergencies/Evacuations - Where possible teachers will take student phones/smart devices with them in the designated bag when evacuating.
Junior ākonga/students:
● Years 0 - 4 ākonga/students do not bring a cell phone or smartwatch/device to school for any reason (exception: documented health reasons).
YEARS 5-8 ākonga/students:
● Before/After school - No phone or smartwatch/device can be used on the school grounds between 8.30 am & 3.30 pm.*
● All phones or smart devices are handed to the teacher and placed in the class phone/device bag as soon as the ākonga/student arrives at school. Bags
will be secured in a lockable cupboard.
● No cell phones, smartwatches, or devices are to be used in the playground or inside at any time by any ākonga/students (exception: documented health
reasons) between the hours of 8.30 am and 3.30 pm.
● All phones and smart devices are to be turned off before being handed in (exception: documented health reasons).
● Phones/smart devices are collected at the end of the day by the ākonga/students who own them. Phones, smartwatches/devices cannot be used on the
school grounds between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm (exception: documented health reasons).
● Phones, smartwatches/devices used in the playground will be confiscated for the day and collected by the ākonga/student at the end of the day, from their
class teacher / or the teacher who has confiscated the phone (it is important to let the classroom teacher know if this has been done).
● Repeat offences of phones/smart devices not handed in/used in the playground will result in phones being kept in the office and a parent/caregiver will be
requested to come and pick up the phone/smart device. This allows for a revisit with families about our phone procedures.
● No texting/calls unless permission is given. The teacher must be present.
● No videos or photos can be taken using ākonga/student personal devices during school hours (8.30 am - 3.30 pm).
● Permission to take photos/videos at offsite school events e.g. camp, beach days etc, will be determined by the school on a case-by-case basis
● Technicraft (Year 7/8) - Teachers take student phones/smart devices in the designated bag. They will be handed back at 3 pm and then the above rules
● Emergencies/Evacuations - Where possible teachers will take student phones/smart devices with them in the designated bag when evacuating.